Fresh Air And Fun

Let's get creative

Having fun with your child is a wonderful way to bond and create lasting memories. Here are some ideas for activities you can do together:

1. Outdoor Adventures

Take a walk, go for a bike ride, have a picnic in the park, or play a game of catch. Outdoor
activities not only provide opportunities for exercise but also allow for exploration and discovery. We love Storeton Woods and Thurstaston for fabulous exploration together.

2. Arts and Crafts

Get creative togetherby making artwork, crafting DIY projects, or even just colouring in colouring
books. You can also try out simple science experiments or cooking together. Banana bread is a weekly treat after our week of classes and left overs!

3. Board Games and Puzzles

Choose age-appropriate board games or puzzles to play together. This not only promotes
critical thinking and problem-solving skills but also fosters healthy competition and teamwork. Who doesn't love a game of Junior Scrabble or Monopoly after dinner?

4. Storytime

Read books together,either by taking turns reading aloud or by listening to audiobooks. You can
also make up your own stories together, taking turns adding to the plot. We love Busy Books with the figures stored at the back of the box, they are brilliant for imaginative play.

5. Music and Dance 

Have a dance party in your living room, play musical instruments together, or create your own songs and dances. Music and movement is a great ways to express creativity and have
fun. Popcat’s really does encourage you to have musical fun with your little one! Dance like you just don't care!

6. Outdoor Sports

Play football, basketball or any other sport your child enjoys. Even if you're not
particularly skilled, the focus should be on having fun and spending time together.

7. Visit Local Attractions

Explore museums,zoos, aquariums, or other attractions in your area. Many places offer special
programs or events designed for families with children. Chester Zoo is a huge
favourite with our family alongside Liverpool Museum.

8. Nature Walks and Scavenger Hunts

Take a walk in nature and see how many different plants, animals, or natural
features you can find. You can turn it into a scavenger hunt by creating a list
of things to look for.

9. Movie or Game Nights

Choose a family-friendly movie or video game to enjoy together. Don't forget the snacks!

10. Gardening

Plant a garden together and watch it grow over time. This can be a fun and educational experience as you learn about plants and responsibility. We love growing vegetables together and eating them is an amazing experience!

Remember, the most important thing is to focus on spending quality time together and enjoying each other's company. Keep activities age-appropriate and let your child's interests guide your choices.

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